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Diversity at every level of your organization

The choice of employees for an organization is so important that in many cases, we dedicate duly qualified people to support managers in recruiting our talents. Despite everything, this remains, even more so in the current context, an arduous task. Organizations are therefore very attentive and sensitive to the needs of their future employees.

Knowing that 67% of job seekers give importance to the diversity of the organization when choosing the next employer is very interesting information and demonstrates, once again, the importance that diversity takes. in the working life of workers.

But when we talk about diversity, what exactly does that mean? It simply denotes the presence of differences within a given framework. We generally refer to diversity when we are not talking about the people present in the majority group. For example, we include neuro-divergent people in the diversity, because the majority of the population is neurotypical. Although there are over thirty types of diversity, the most prevalent are: visible and invisible disabilities, mental health, race, ethnicity, gender identity, diversity of thought, religion, age and sexual orientation.

A few telling facts

According to a Deloitte study, the presence of real diversity of thought can increase innovation by 20% in your teams and in those with a higher representation of diversity of thought showed an increase of up to 30%. % risk mitigation for decision making.

According to a McKinsey & Company report of 180 companies in Europe and the United States found that more racially and ethnically diverse companies were 35% more likely to have higher than average profit margins.

Once we realize the importance of diversity, it is imperative to tackle the representativeness of minority groups at the different levels of the organization.

This is not only important for employees, but it also sends a message to customers that the organization has a transversal inclusion strategy. The positive impacts are also numerous, but one of the most important is that it has the effect of reducing inequities in your organization and breaking down many prejudices and discriminatory practices. For what ? Because when these people from minority groups have a place at the decision-making table, they will be able to put certain practices into perspective, deconstruct learning and demonstrate the negative impact of certain policies or ways of doing things for these same groups.

How to get there ?

  • Collect the demographic information of your team members. Through a confidential survey, you will be able to find out what your teams really look like on the different facets of diversity;

  • Determine your quantifiable goals for minority groups. I know that we are sometimes reluctant to put numbers for fear of being misinterpreted, but the best way to know if we are progressing positively and reducing our gaps is to measure it. If your organization's budget allows it, being accompanied by an expert is a very good investment.

  • Set up a concrete action plan with the steps that will allow you to reach the previous step. Having SMART goals is simple and allows you to leave nothing to chance.

  • Set up a joint committee to discuss the issues or barriers present in the field. This group will be a human compass to know if the actions of the plan guide toward the objectives

  • Promote this action plan to the various teams and be open to their feedback. Your teams must know that you want the organization to be more representative; it is motivating and opens the door to constructive comments or suggestions.

It is important to keep in mind that diversity is everyone's business, it is not just up to the human resources management professional or senior management to be responsible for this plan. It is by involving stakeholders at different levels and by democratizing this issue that things will progress positively.


Sonia Kwemi,

Cheffe Ressources humaine & Médiatrice

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